Sweet Dreams
Supervisor: Tracie Grimwood
Type: Packaging design
Year: 2021
Dimension: 11.1 x 5.8 x 2.2 cm
The project task requires choosing an everyday item and redesigning its packaging. However, the restriction is that the selected products can not specifically be for children or pets. All the types that appear on the original package must also appear on your redesign, except for the brand/ logo.  
My redesigned packaging is for an anti-depressant medication tablet named Amitriptyline Alphapharm. I want to illustrate how the medicine helps cure the users’ mental health by having a good night’s sleep with ‘Sweet Dreams’, featuring a dream whale sleeping afloat amid a starry cosmic sky in tranquility. The redesigned visual embodies the essence of soothing calmness and restfulness through the use of deep ocean blue with light-wavy clouds, stars, and nebulae.​​​​​​​
All Hail The Queen
Project: Inspire Me
Supervisor: Tracie Grimwood
Type: Illustration & Editorial design
Year: 2021
In this project, you must design and illustrate an in-depth, or long-form, interview or article about the life and achievements of someone you find inspiring for a made-up print or online publication with a minimum of one central image and two supporting photos. My chosen figure for this project is my favorite female wrestler of WWE, my idol, Charlotte Flair. She is deemed to be the most decorated female superstar in the WWE with a total of 14 outstanding title wins. 
Such success of Charlotte's causes her to receive massive negativity and criticism from the audience. Many people believe that Charlotte is a self-centered, entitled, overrated competitor who is always granted title opportunity after opportunity. She was born with a silver spoon only because of her last name Flair (adopted from her father Ric Flair who used to win 16 titles during his career). Notwithstanding, her unmatched elite wrestling skills as well as empowering tenacity to thrive under pressure are what truly inspires me for this project. Hence, I manage to showcase that through the use of decorative elements of shiny sparkles and diamonds floating around, implying her tremendous success on her own rights like a shine-bright diamond.
Ghost Stories
Project: Type Play
Supervisor: Tracie Grimwood
Type: Stage poster
Year: 2021
The task is to design a quality large-format poster to promote a live stage performance (in this case, Ghost Stories) using functional and innovative manipulation of typography.
The poster aims to promote the creepy and spine-chilling mood and experience that the play offers on the live stage. This notion is shown through the ghostly wavy typography of the main title as well as the dark evil creature widening his hand palm forward as if he is going to grab and suffocate your face to silence.
Project: MelBurb
Supervisor: Tracie Grimwood
Type: Pole banner design
Year: 2021
Dimension: 100 x 300 mm
This project requires you to select a Melbourne suburb to promote in banner form. It may be one of the familiar inner city suburbs or one of the lesser celebrated outer suburbs. When deciding what to include in your image you can investigate many factors, such as its iconic landmarks or architecture, its historical background, cultural associations, the events it hosts, or any other distinctive trademarks that best resemble the suburb's identity.
In this instance, my chosen suburb, Carlton, also known as Little Italy, aims to seek inspiration from the rich Italian cuisine with a large concentration of Italian restaurants and cafes spreading across Lygon Street. Here, the banner outcome visualizes a basic Italian staple, spaghetti, floating across the canvas, intertwining with the types and illustrations of ingredients.
Sloth Day
Project: Red Letter Day
Supervisor: Tracie Grimwood
Type: Card design
Year: 2021
Dimension: A5 (per panel)
This project requires selecting a lesser-known significant annual day and creating a print item gif or pop-up or anything you like to commemorate the occasion. If it is a card, it should have a minimum of 3 panels that can be folded flat and fit into an envelope.  
My chosen day to visually celebrate on the card is International Sloth Day, as this connects and resonates very closely with my lifestyle and personality - slow-paced and somewhat lazy at times.  Drawing inspiration from a well-known Manga character who ideally epitomizes such characteristics - Nobita from Doraemon, this card panel design captures how the sloth is enjoying his sedentary lifestyle - eat, sleep, and repeat!
Vas Coming of Age Ceremony '23
Type: Event backdrop design
Year: 2023
Site: VAS 3 thang 2 campus, Secondary Hall
Dimension: 833 x 285 mm
An 833 x 285 backdrop design for an annual Coming of Age Ceremony celebrating the grandeur milestone of Year 12 graduates at the 3-thang 2 campus VAS. 
The use of red and gold as a primary color combination resonates with the logos of VAS and Cambridge and reinforces its prestige. It also proudly embodies the school's core values of educational excellence, integrity, and passion. The theatrical-styled backdrop sprinkled with celestial stars as finishing touches of effects indicates a bright limitless future of success, hope, and potential that the students transition to a new stage of their lives. Matching with the brand identity comes with a traditional graduation cap and certificate roll, an emblematic underscore of academic achievement, and a significant milestone marking a new bound chapter of their lives.​​​​​​​
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